Thursday, February 7, 2008

Waiting...Paitently...For Perfect Love.

As Bear and I (and about 10 of our colleagues from work) conclude season 4 of the O.C., I have so many questions. It has been a wonderful experience, being intertwined with all of the characters relationships, mistakes, and drama. *SPOILER ALERT* And as the final episode ended with the marriage of Seth and Summer, I try and think of everything they went through. Of how he was a dork, and she was the coolest girl in school, and somehow they found each other, soulmates if you will. I look deep inside my life and realize that I want this! I think that the majority of people who take part in these kind of shows all do. It is the draw, the bait that tricks them and gets them reeled in. We become depressed at the state of our lives and look for guidance. We see the relationship that such two people have, a relationship where it is quite clear that they are each other's "saviors". We get so enthralled with it that we start putting ourselves into that situation, and my big question...Is this even possible? I am not trying to be a critic of Love, because I am quite convinced that God has done enough on this planet and for his people to show us that it is the most essential fabric of the universe's workings. I guess what I am really trying to find out, Is that really love? I can't explain the feeling that I get when I see Summer and Seth. It makes troubles go away, it has a unique feeling of the underdog fighting through the storm, hands raised in victory. It ignites emotions within me that I feel need to come out every now and then. But the question remains, Is that really love? Is that a true form of possible love? And as I expand my thinking, I am forced to come to the conclusion As much as I hate it, the answer is no. The thing we must understand about shows such as the OC, and sappy love songs, and even fairy tales, is that it leaves no room for error. Most fairy tales end with "and they lived happily ever after". Well the truth of the matter is, in real life, they didn't live happily ever after. The lived a really stressed life, where they had numerous problems with matters such as raising kids, lust, and financial security. The thing about people in real life is, despite these problems, they get through it. Most successful relationships work, not because they don't have any problems, but because they truck through them. They do not let those tough situations break eachother up, but help bind together. True love is not about feelings, and trivial thoughts, but about a choice to consistently choose that person daily. And to be honest, I am scared for the Summer and Seth's in the real world. They do not stand a chance. The kind of love that these shows, songs, and fairy tales promote is completely and utterly unrealistic. In this savior love, they do not have a chance. If we are basing our relationships on the fact that the other person is, as John Mayer so poetically puts it, "our saving grace", the relationships are doomed. It is too much responsibility for any human to have on their shoulders. And in contrast to that there is the true saving grace of Jesus Christ, who can take the burden to be our "savior love". I guess the short of what I am trying to say is, do not put that responsibility on one another, that love cannot exist between two humans, but put that responsibility on Christ to have that saving, redeeming, perfect love. It's the only place you will find it. So while all of you guys and girls are looking for your Summers and Seths, I choose Christ.

This is Pim. Love Eachother. Be Cool

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