Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Political Taco

It's always gratifying to sleep in on rainy days. What is it about the rain that makes a person feel depressed and hungry? I was starving when i woke up. A quick decision was made and suddenly my vehicle found itself sleeping in the parking lot of an empty Taco Bell. Pim came along to make the occasion less lonesome. So there we were, tired, hungry, and soft spoken, eating our deliciously made grade F meat. Usually rainy days are filled with naps, T.V, and emotionless stares. It was during an emotionless stare that i heard conversation that would break the curse of my rainy day depression. A woman working at the Bell was surprisingly open about her past. She spoke shamelessly about her previous work as a female stripper. Pim and I were the only two in the place. Her words caught my attention immediatlely. Lets be serious, if a girl starts talking about being a stripper you listen. She reasoned with her idealogy for quiting the job. It turns out she was a mommy stripper and did not want her kid to grow up knowing his mother took her clothes off for creapy old men. I pondered the situation after giggling with Pim for a moment. Later, after we returned from our journey and our tummies were filled with refried beans, i again thought of the young Taco Bell employee. I wondered what her past might have looked like. I wondered if her parents were loving, if her friends truly loved her. I ultimately wondered if she knew God. For awhile i wondered if there was anything that i could have done to make her life truly better. Maybe an understanding tone or smile that could have created a better atmosphere for her the rest of the day. Then i began to think about thinks on a larger scale. My net expanded to thoughts of a larger crowd of people, the people in which i live with and work with. Today is Super Tuesday, a big day for American politics. Potentially a day when we find out who will be running in November to lead us into a new era. "Where does God fit in all of this", I asked myself. We are called to lead by example. Hopefully the next presidential candidate will do the same, and hopefully his example is Jesus Christ. My answer, "God is a part of everything". As a human being i cannot will my support of a presidential candidate into office. All i can do as a Christian is pray that God is behind what is really taking place in our lives, and in that faithfully support the person that takes over as our countries leader. My job for now is to help create a movement of love among people. I hope and pray that you will join in this movement and maybe together we can create a better world for people like the Taco Bell employee that had a problematic past. Maybe just maybe we can create a world where depression doesn't exist on rainy days.

Remember, Love one another


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe i should eat at taco bell. this momma sounds like the kind of person i'd like to have for coffee and let my kids play with.
she is trying,
really trying.
maybe i'll go get pintos and cheese later this week.