Friday, January 2, 2009

Something Amazing

As 2009 draws us into a new point of view, I have a new point of view. It has been quite a long time since Bear and me have gave us your thoughts, so here is one. I used to be in the thought that it was better to always give your opinion and if you didn't agree with someone, you let them know. My recent experience has told me different. I have found a sub-culture, and not so much a sub-culture, other than the fact that they are a new group of friends. A new group of friends that is moving from a sub-culture in my life, to a very important, impactful part, that has challenged me. You see, here it doesn't matter what kind of juice you like, what kind of music you listen to, what sports team you cheer for. Everyone is different, and everyone embraces those differences. It reminded me that we all have different things that we like and are involved in. Whether you are the jock, the marching band geek (or stud), the prom princess, or the mathlete, everyone has something special that we should embrace. Why do we find it so necessary to challenge everyone with what they like? "I love Jimmy Eat World." "Jimmy Eat World sucks dude, why would you ever like them?" I just do not understand that thought now? Why not embrace each other's likings and learn something from each. It goes much deeper than music, but ill let you think of that on your own. There is one absolute truth, which is Christ. Is the rest not just commentary? As I say everytime, be will not be disappointed. Let's embrace eachother's loves.

This is Pim. Love Eachother. Be Cool...Be Fine in 09! Love Ya'll

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